Onyx slabs are a type of natural stone that are often used in high-end, low-traffic areas of the home. They are known for their translucent qualities and exotic patterns, which can include veins, bubbles, and swirls in contrasting colors. Onyx slabs are usually polished and come in a variety of colors, such as white, cream, pink, green, honey, and olive.  


Onyx is made of calcite, the same mineral that makes up marble, limestone, and travertine. The unique aesthetic quality of onyx slabs is created by the different amounts and flow rates of water that precipitate and build up a crust of calcite crystals as they emerge from a spring. Impurities in the water also contribute to the variations in the layers.  

Onyx’s translucent nature makes it ideal for back-lit applications, such as countertops, bar tops, tables, and desks. Backlighting can enhance the brilliance of the veins, creating a mystical luminescence. Onyx can also be used for vanity tops and in showers. With proper care and maintenance, onyx flooring can last for generations 

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