Granite is a natural igneous rock that’s made up of quartz and feldspar, and sometimes other minerals like mica and amphibole. The name comes from the Latin word granum, which means “grain”, and refers to the visible minerals in the rock. Granite is intrusive, meaning it crystallized from magma that cooled below the Earth’s surface, and is often found in mountainous areas of the continental crust.  

Granite is one of the hardest substances on Earth, scoring a 7 out of 10 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This makes it scratch resistant and durable. 

Granite can come in a wide range of colors, from basic colors like black, brown, and white, to rarer colors like blue and pink. The color depends on where the granite was mined and the minerals it contains. 

Granite is often used for countertops, where its natural beauty and durability can add interest to a kitchen or bathroom. 

Granite is resistant to chemicals, but acidic and citrus cleaners can damage the sealant 

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